Letter from LPC President

Dear Charger Families,

On behalf of the Leland Parent Club (LPC), I welcome you to the school year 2023-2024. We hope you all had a good summer and are settling into the new school routine. We look forward to meeting you all at the back-to-school night and at our regular monthly meetings as well. 

LPC is a constitutive part of our school community and provides a nurturing academic environment for our students and we cannot do without your support. We look for your valuable contributions in donations  as well as your time to help with various programs and events that are organized by LPC.

LPC’s budget currently supports numerous activities like:

With the help of the generous support of our Charger families, we have been able to fund these activities in previous years. We are conducting a donation drive currently intending to raise $50,000 to fund all planned activities for this year and we cannot do this without your support. 

Please visit us at http://www.lelandparentclub.com to learn more and you can donate online using https://www.lelandparentclub.com/donate

Working directly with the Principal, the LPC team continues to look for ways to best serve our Chargers. We welcome your suggestions and feedback, so please feel free to email us at president@lelandparentclub.com 

As always, your continued support is truly appreciated, and we look forward to a successful new school year.



President - Leland Parent Club.